
  • Gong Sound Journey

    First Saturday of each Month.

    A time and space to balance Mind, Body and Spirit. The complex matrix of sounds in a Gong sound journey creates a sacred space in which meditation, relaxation, self-healing, spiritual exploration and altered states of being are all possible.

    A Time for YOU

    Next Date: Saturday 4th May 2pm & 4pm

  • Stretch & Release

    Our Stretch and Release sessions are 60 minutes long. You are guided through flowing movements and stretches based on Pilates & Yoga that will stretch your main muscles. Opening moves to feel lengthened. Time to focus on the breathe to help calm the mind and release tension in the body..

    Release, Restore, Recharge, Stretch.

  • Pilates for Beginners

    These workshops are one off events to introduce beginners to the wonderful world of Pilates. During these 75 minute workshops we guide you through the fundamentals and principles of Pilates that you will build upon when you start attending a regular class.

    These workshops are run on a Saturday approximately every 8 weeks.